Your Guide to the heart of New York City

Welcome to NYC Gems, where the boundless energy and vibrant culture of New York City comes to life through the eyes of an international student.

Join me on an journey as I explore the city's best-kept secrets, hidden gems, and off-the-beaten-path treasures that I've personally discovered during my time here.

Cafes & Restaurants

From hole-in-the-wall spots serving up delectable dishes to underrated dining spots. Helping you find the coziest corners for enjoying your free time while taking in the city's vibrant atmosphere.


We will go through the labyrinth of streets to discover hidden boutiques and specialty stores, perfect for indulging your shopping desires or finding unique souvenirs to remember your time in the city.


Escaping the concrete jungle and finding comfort in the tranquil green spaces that dot the city. We'll go off the beaten path to uncover secluded oases, pocket parks, and hidden gardens where we can unwind and reconnect with nature.